Ivan the Terrible, Part I (1945,
Soviet Union) (aka Ivan Groznyy, or Иван Грозный)
In writer/director Sergei Eisenstein's film (his last
film directed and completed) was released in the mid-1940s and hailed
as a success, followed by Part II (Ivan Groznyy. Skaz vtoroy:
Boyarskiy zagovor (1958)) completed by 1946, but suppressed and
delayed until 1958 due to a ban by Stalin himself (who objected to
the depiction of the ruler) - the epic, stagey film (harkening back
to highly-stylized silent film techniques) characterized by expressionistic
sets, facial closeups, heavy costuming, angled camera shots for contrast,
stark light and shadows, huge sets, religious imagery and a score
by Prokofiev:
- this was an historical, costume-rich, operatic pageantry
film about the idealistic and stern 16th century Ivan Vasilyevich,
or Ivan IV, Duke of Moscow who ruled Russia from 1533 to 1547 as
the anointed Tsar; his nickname Groznyy was usually translated
as Terrible - and served as a parody of Russian ruler Josef Stalin;
the entire film was mostly about court intrigue and his struggle
against the plotting of the Boyars and his efforts to make them
submit to his powerful will as Tsar; Ivan eventually consolidated
power in himself through personal guards, secret police or "iron
known as Oprichniki
- the opening sequence - the coronation of young Grand
Prince of Muscovy Ivan (Nikolai Cherkasov), by the approval of a
land-owning nobility/bourgeoisie class (affluent and hereditary)
known as the Boyars
Opening Sequence: Coronation of Grand Prince Ivan
- Ivan's marriage to Anastasia Romanovna (Lyudmila
Tselikovskaya), the Czarina, bearing a child - infant son Dmitri
- his campaign against the Tartars in Kazan, Ivan's
serious illness on his deathbed, and battles and campaigns to reclaim
lost Russian territory
- the scenes of major conflict with his own witchy
and scheming boyarina Aunt Efrosinia Staritskaya (Serafima Birman)
who plotted to assassinate him with the help of other traditionalists;
she wanted to appoint her own dim-witted simpleton son Vladimir Andreyevich
Staritsky (Pavel Kadochnikov) as the new Tsar; she also encouraged
one of Ivan's friends, Prince Andrei Kurbsky (Mikhail Nazvanov),
who lusted after Anastasia, to betray him; another friend Fyodor
Kolychev (Andrei Abrikosov), became Archbishop Philip and then became
part of a religious group that opposed Ivan along with the Boyars
- Staritskaya's plotting and murder of Ivan's wife by
having her drink from a large poisoned goblet of wine
Poisoning and Death of Ivan's Wife
- Ivan's abdication of the throne in Moscow and self-imposed
exile at the Alexandrov monastery before a populist movement (and
an endless and massive procession of supporters streaming to him)
demanded his return to save the country
Ivan with Anastasia
Ivan Groznyy (the Terrible)
Battle Against Tartars
Serious Illness
Ivan's Self-Imposed Exile