Caddyshack (1980)
In director Harold Ramis' feature-film
debut - a much-loved, crass sports-golf comedy set at the elite
Bushwood Country Club (fictitious) in Nebraska; it was a cult favorite
with many quotable lines of dialogue; the film told about two major
threats to an exclusive country club's golf course - a boorish property
developer and a destructive gopher; an outright war was waged against
the 'varmint'; its tagline was: "SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T BELONG";
the popular film was followed by the sequel Caddyshack II (1988):
- during the opening (and closing)
credits sequences, a dancing gopher (an animatronic gopher ("varmint")
named Chuck E. Rodent) performed to
the tune of Kenny Loggins' song: "I'm Alright"
- one of the club's teenaged caddies, a young, poor
underachiever named Danny Noonan (Michael O’Keefe) was currently
dating the club's snack-bar attendant and waitress Maggie O’Hooligan
(Sarah Holcomb); Danny was the main caddy for rich and privileged,
playboyish golfer Ty Webb (Chevy Chase) who was the son of one
of Bushwood's stodgy co-founders, Judge Elihu Smails (Ted Knight);
he was attempting to curry favorable treatment from the Judge who
directed the caddy scholarship program

Caddy Danny Noonan (Michael O’Keefe)
Danny with Golfer Ty Webb (Chevy Chase)
Blindfolded Ty Webb: "Be the ball!"
- when blindfolded and boasting that he had the
power of intuition, Ty gave advice to Danny: ("I'm going
to give you a little advice. There's a force in the universe
that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in
touch with it. Stop thinking, let things happen, and be the
ball!"); later, Ty made other Zen-like pronouncements:
("A flute without holes is not a flute. And a donut without
a hole is a Danish" or "You're rather attractive
for a beautiful girl with a great body")
- the club's elitist, snobbish, wealthy and arrogant
hotshot Judge Elihu Smails pulled into the club in his Rolls
Royce; he was immediately upset when he viewed a gopher tunneling
through the greens of the club's massive golf course

Judge Elihu Smails (Ted Knight)

Sandy McFiddish (Thomas A. Carlin)

Greenskeeper Carl Spackler (Bill Murray)
Carl with Boss Sandy
- the club's lunatic, deranged, and dim-witted greenskeeper
Carl Spackler (Bill Murray) was given a misinterpreted request
by an enraged Smalls and his Scottish boss
Sandy McFiddish (Thomas A. Carlin), to destroy
an intrusive and pesky gopher who was ruining the golf course: "I
want you to kill every gopher on the course" - with Carl's
reply: "Check me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the
golfers, they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key." Sandy
clarified: "Gophers, ya great git! Not golfers! The little
brown furry rodents!"; for the remainder of the film, Carl
became fixated with his task and attempted numerous ways to destroy
the pesky rodent
- Judge Elihu Smails was accompanied by his sex-loving,
bra-less young blonde niece Lacy Underall (Cindy Morgan), who was
judged by one ogling male as "Madonna with meatballs"
- a boorish, crude, abrasive nouveau-riche real
estate developer - brash wisecracking, loudmouth named Al Czervik
(stand-up comedian Rodney Dangerfield in his feature film debut)
wearing colorful golf clothing drove up in his convertible with
personalized plates - the disrespectful Czervik immediately began
to heckle everyone by spouting many offensive one-liners in the
golf shop, with some of the insults directed toward Judge Smails'
hat: ("Oh, this is the worst lookin' hat I ever saw. You buy
a hat like this, I betcha get a free bowl of soup, huh? (to Smails)
Oh, it looks good on you though!")
- shortly later, Czervik continued to harrass and
upset Smails' nearby golf group on the green by playing loud music
from his golf bag, and hitting Smails in the groin with one of
his drives; the aggravating Czervik suggested that the golf course
was the perfect place for a condo and shopping mall development;
as the Judge's golf game was ending, Czervik bet him $1,000 dollars
he couldn't make his final putt; after missing the hole, the frustrated
Judge threw his golf club into the air and it struck a woman and
rendered her unconscious; to ingratiate himself to the Judge (to
help his scholarship chances), Danny took the blame for not putting
stick-um on the Judge's golf grips
- in one of the film's most memorable vignettes, the
speech-impaired, wacky Carl Spackler recounted, to another incredulous
caddy, how he once caddied for the Dalai Lama in Tibet: ("So
we finish 18, and he's gonna stiff me. And I say: 'Hey, Lama! Hey,
how about a little somethin', you know, for the effort, you know.'
And he says: 'Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die,
on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.' So I got
that goin' for me, which is nice")
- the demented Spackler also became fixated and obsessed
with destroying the intrusive gophers; throughout the film, Spackler
used various methods to eradicate the gopher pest, including a
high-pressure water hose to flood the gopher's holes, as he threatened
the 'varmint': ("Scum, slime, menace to the golfing industry!
You're a disgrace. You're varmints. You're one of the lowest members
of the food chain, and you'll probably be replaced by the rat");
his initial attempt caused the flooding of the entire course
Crazed Groundskeeper Carl Spackler

The 'Varmint'
Carl Loading His Rifle
- in his quarters, Spackler grabbed his shotgun
(with an attached flashlight), as he explained why the Varmint
Cong (gophers) had to die: ("License to kill gophers by the
government of the United Nations. Man, free to kill gophers at
will. To kill, you must know your enemy. In this case, my enemy
is a varmint, and a varmint will never quit. Ever! They're like
the Viet Cong. Varmint Cong! So what you gotta do, you gotta fall
back on superior firepower and superior intelligence. And that's
all she wrote"); dressed in camouflage that night, he attempted
to shoot the gopher with his rifle - but missed
- Danny learned that the club's
caddy college scholarship had become available when the recipient
of the award had died from a severe
anxiety attack during summer school; his desire to acquire the
money meant befriending
Judge Smails who was the director of the scholarship program; Danny
volunteered to caddy for the Judge and expressed an interest in going
to college, and added: "It looks like my folks won't have enough
money to put me through college"; all
of the caddies, including Danny, were immediately impressed
by the Judge's sexy young blonde niece Lacy Underall,
who was visiting for the summer from Manhattan
- during dinner at the club's restaurant that evening,
Czervik continued to make loud and vulgar jokes; after farting,
he asked: "Oh, (did) somebody step on a duck?"; he criticized
the food: ("I had better food at the ballgame! I tell you,
this steak still has marks where the jockey was hitting it");
he also personally insulted the Judge's older, white-haired wife: "Oh,
this is your wife, huh? A lovely lady. Hey baby, you're alright.
You musta been somethin' before electricity, huh?"; he also
continued to harrass and insult other guests at the Judge's table,
with lines such as: "The last time I saw a mouth like that,
it had a hook in it"; he livened up the music on the dance
floor, and then grabbed the Judge's wife to be his dance partner
as he sexually grabbed her: "Hey, you wanna make $14 dollars
the hard way?"
- after dinner and on an outer balcony with the tempting
Lacey, Ty awkwardly and nervously delivered a pick-up line to her:
("What brings you to this nape of the woods, neck of the wape. How come
you're here?"); she replied: "Daddy wanted to broaden me";
she coyly invited herself to join him that evening: "I'll bet
you've got a lot of nice ties....You want to tie me up with some
of your ties, Ty?"; he demonstrated his method of drinking tequilas
- by snorting the salt, sucking the lemon and tossing the booze over
his shoulder; later, he also attempted
to seduce the Judge's promiscuous niece
- Danny competed in the
Caddy Day golf tournament to obtain the caddie scholarship - and
won; as a result, he was invited by the Judge to attend the Sunday
christening of the Judge's sloop at the Rolling Lakes Yacht Club

Busby Berkeley Water Ballet
Floating Baby Ruth Candy Bar: "Doodie!"
Spackler on the Gross Pool Incident: "It's no big deal!"
- a Busby Berkeley-style, synchronized
swimming water ballet was performed by the male golf caddies in the
country club's pool; during a scatological moment, a floating "Baby
Ruth" candy bar was thrown into the pool (a young girl reacted: "Doodie!");
it sent swimmers screaming from the water in a Jaws-inspired
panic - shock and fainting was caused when Spackler (after the pool
was "scrubbed, sterilized and disinfected") ate the brown object and claimed:
("There it is! It's no big deal!")
- at the Rolling Lakes Yacht Club's christening of
the Judge's sloop, Lacey distracted Danny (handsomely dressed in
a naval uniform), and enticingly invited him to leave and get high
with her back at the Smails' house: ("Hey, Cary Grant. You
want to get high?"); after they left, the Judge's boat was christened as "The Flying
Wasp," but then Czervik's gigantic "Seafood" Cruiser disrupted the
ceremony, collided with the Judge's small sloop, and destructively
dropped anchor onto its deck - it quickly sank
- Danny and Lacey were discovered
making out in his bedroom by Smails, who then chased Danny
(in his underwear) out of the house with a golf club
- in the film's memorable "It's In the Hole!" Cinderella
story and golf fantasies, Spackler pretended to be an announcer
and player - imagining himself winning the championship Masters
golf game at Augusta, while he was actually practicing teeing off
by whacking down rows of planted flowers: ("The crowd is standing
on its feet here at Augusta, the normally reserved Augusta crowd,
going wild, for this young Cinderella. He's come outta nowhere.
He's got about 350 yards left. He's gonna hit about a 5-iron, I
expect, don't you think? He's got a beautiful backswing -- that's
-- oh, he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that.
The crowd is just on its feet here. He's the Cinderella boy, uh
-- tears in his eyes I guess, as he lines up this last shot, he's
got about 195 yards left. And he's got about a -- it looks like
he's got about an 8-iron. This crowd has gone deathly silent, the
Cinderella story, outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper and now,
about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac- it's
in the hole! IT'S IN THE HOLE!")
- complications arose the next day when Maggie found
Danny sleeping in the caddy shack, and confessed that she was "late"
(pregnant), but also added: "I don't hold you responsible!
It's my problem. I can handle it"; Danny promised to stand
by her: ("I'm not going to let you go through this alone"),
although she wanted to keep the baby: ("I'm going to have
it! I've already decided!");
when he offered to get married, she declined his offer ("It
might not be yours. Okay?...I'm not making it up");
shortly later, she was happy to report to Danny that she wasn't
pregnant after all
- later in Smails' club office, Danny expected to be fired or to have his
caddy scholarship revoked for romancing Lacey, but the uptight
Smails only asked Danny to keep the incident quiet: ("The
last thing any of us needs now is a lot of loose talk about her
after admitting that Lacey had "a certain zest for living";
the Judge ended their short meeting by asking: "Are you my
pal - "Mr. Scholarship Winner'?" - and Danny agreed: "Yes, sir!
I'm your pal!"
- a major showdown developed
in the film's conclusion when Czervik arrogantly called the club
a "dump" and a "crummy snobatorium," but offered
to buy it; an 18-hole team golf tournament was organized between
two pairs of golfers to settle the matter -- Judge Smails
(playing with his regular golfing partner Dr. Beeper (Dan Resin))
and Czervik (playing with Ty Webb); a $20,000 bet (that was eventually
increased to $40,000 and then to a double-or-nothing bet up to
$160,000) was made on the outcome
- meanwhile, the crazed Spackler
threatened the detestable gopher by planting plastic
explosives (inside clay squirrels and rabbits) that were to be inserted
into the gopher holes: ("I have to laugh,
because I've often asked myself. My foe, my enemy, is an animal,
and in order to conquer him, I have to think like an animal. And,
whenever possible, to look like one. I've gotta get inside this
dude's pelt and crawl around for a few days. Who is the gopher's
ally? His friend? The harmless squirrel and the friendly rabbit.
I'm gonna use you guys to do my dirty work for me")
Spackler Preparing and Planting the Plastic Explosives
in Clay Squirrels and Rabbits
- once the tournament commenced, Spackler threatened
the animal as he sneakily planted his explosive rabbits and
squirrels in the gopher's hole, as he asked his opponent: ("Anybody
home? Uh, hello, Mr. Gopher. Yeah, it's me, Mr. Squirrel. Yeah,
hi. Uh, just a harmless squirrel, not a plastic explosive or
anything, nothing to be worried about. I'm just here to make
your last hours on earth as peaceful as possible...In the words
of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher.' This is gonna be
- when Czervik faked an arm injury as an excuse for
his poor playing, Danny substituted for him (even though he knew
it might jeopardize his scholarship); on his final shot of the
game, Danny's putt was perched on the edge of the hole; it was
nudged in by a massive, plastic explosives blast set off by Spackler
to kill the gopher, and Czervik's team won the game, although the
golf course was destroyed in the process
- Smails (on the losing team) refused to pay off
two of Czervik's enforcers Moose and Rocco who were called upon
to make him pay up: ("Help
the judge find his checkbook"), and he fled as Czervik delivered
a curtain-closing invitation: "Hey everybody, we're all gonna
get laid!"; in the midst of everything, the unharmed gopher appeared
after having survived the explosions
The 'Varmint' in the Opening and Closing Credit Sequences


The Judge's Sexy Niece Lacey Underall (Cindy Morgan)

Bug-eyed Real Estate Developer Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield)

The Dalai Lama Tale

Caddy Danny with Lacey

Danny's Girlfriend Maggie O’Hooligan (Sarah Holcomb)
- the Snack-Club Waitress
Obnoxious, Wisecracking Loudmouth Club Member Al Czervik
at Dinner

Ty's Pickup Line to Slutty Lacey


Ty's Romancing of the Judge's Promiscuous Niece Lacey - An Oil Massage and Back

The 35th Caddy Day Golf Scholarship Competition-Tournament
Won by Danny

Czervik's Destructive Cruiser Collided With and Sank the Judge's Small


Danny's Romancing of Lacey Underall
Carl's Fantasy: "It's in the Hole!"

Maggie's Declaration to Danny That She Might Be Pregnant

Shortly Later, Maggie Learned She Wasn't Pregnant

Golf Tournament: Danny's Putt Hanging on the Edge of
the Final Hole

Explosions Rock the Entire Golf Course

Curtain-Closing Line: "Hey everybody, we're all
gonna get laid!"